Sunday, 31 August 2014

Meet 'The Blobs'

Primary 4B have been thinking all about feelings and the ways in which our feelings and behaviour can affect others. 

Each team were given one emotion to try and portray. Can you guess which emotion the following Blob families are displaying?

Yellow - Happy Blobs
Red - Angry Blobs
Purple - Surprised Blob
Green - Worried Blob
Blue - Sad Blob

Friday, 29 August 2014

P4a Celebrate Commonwealth Games Athletes, their efforts and achievements

P4a have been producing effective 3d portraits of recent medalists at The Commonwealth Games in Glasgow :

See who you can recognise!!


Thursday, 14 August 2014

Engineers in the making!!

P4B have been kicking off the year with some team building exercises!! 

Objective: to build the strongest tower using 6 marshmallows and some dry spaghetti. Who do you think won the challenge?

The building process...

The finished products...