Thursday, 28 April 2016

P5 Scottish Opera 2016


WEDNESDAY 4th MAY 2.15pm

We are very grateful to families for helping pupils learn their lyrics.  Musical director, Roger Glass, who rehearsed pupils in an advance vocal workshop on Monday 25th April, was impressed!

Pupils should wear P.E. kit on the day and will rehearse in the morning.

1.20-2pm P4 and siblings invited to Dress Rehearsal

2.15pm-3.00pm Scottish Opera performance for families

Please note that due to limitations on space, only two people per child can attend the performance.

Pupils may be dismissed at the end of the performance with parents who are attending, if you wish. Younger siblings can be collected from the Number Zone with Ms Anstruther at the end of the performance. Older siblings will join you there once they have returned their costumes.

Saturday, 23 April 2016

Another successful Golden Time

Well done to Sarah, Romy, Delphie and Catherine for organising a fun filled Golden Time today. Lots of fun had by all! 

Monday, 18 April 2016

Rainforest Tribes

We had a brilliant time last week researching about how tribes in the rainforest live. After carrying out our own research we split into groups and created our own amazing tribes. We thought about the roles of different people in our tribe, tribal names, identity and where we live. We created masks and posters then presented our ideas to the rest of the class. Everyone worked really effectively in there groups. Great job everyone! 

Wednesday, 13 April 2016

Play script writing

We have come back from the Easter holidays full of energy! We spent today working collaboratively in small groups to plan, write and perform a play based in the rainforest. We looked at how to correctly lay out a play script. Everyone worked really hard. There are definitely some future playwrights in p5a!