Monday 20 October 2014

It's All About the Money!

Before the holidays Primary 4 set out on an adventure to find out a little bit more about money and its origins. During our trip to the Museum on the Mound we were treated to three workshops:
- what is money?
- heads and tails
- making notes

Here are a few photos from 4B's trip

First we had to think about money in general. Why do we use money? What do we need it for?

1. What is Money?
Did you know?
Once upon a time, many years ago, people would travel to the Maldives and collect shells which they could exchange for things.

2. Heads and Tails
Did you know?
2,700 years ago they decided to use metal as money. The idea was so clever that we haven't needed to change it since.

3. Making Notes
Did you know?
Bank notes are actually made from cotton, not paper. There are many different methods to spot fake bank notes to try to prevent people from making them ilegally.

We had a great time at the museum and we learnt lots of interesting facts about money. We also made a new friend on our way back to school!! 

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